Wade Thomas School

K-8 District in the heart of Marin

New Student Registration
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  • School Tours

    Principal Julie Harris is pleased to provide tours of Wade Thomas School. Please click here to sign up! 

    Please note, school tours are for adults only. 

    Thank you for signing up, we look forward to meeting you! 

    New Student Registration

    Looking for a school in Fairfax and/or San Anselmo?

    Welcome to Ross Valley!

    Click here
    for information about Student Registration.

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Welcome to Wade Thomas

  • Our community of teachers, staff, students, and families is what makes Wade Thomas truly a special place! The teachers and staff at Wade Thomas are dedicated professionals who work closely together to support all students’ academic, social, and emotional growth. Our families are valued partners in their children’s education and in providing enrichment and community-building activities. Our students are the heart of our community and our purpose for being.
    Teachers employ a variety of instructional strategies which tap into students’ strengths, interests, and motivations to make learning engaging and meaningful and for students to be supported and challenged appropriately. The curriculum is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards and promotes the 21st Century Skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. We embrace a growth mindset, believing everyone can achieve and mistakes are learning opportunities. Throughout the school day, one will see learning taking place in many ways: students reading or writing independently, playing math games with partners, conducting scientific investigations, constructing models to illustrate phenomena, reading with buddy classes, role playing characters in literature, and citing evidence to support their opinions in debate. Lunchtime clubs help students develop leadership skills and provide service to the school community and beyond.

    Our four simple school rules - be safe, be respectful, be responsible, and be kind – make our campus a positive, caring, inclusive and joyful place where each person is valued, supported, and challenged to reach their highest potential.

Quick Links

  • Board of Trustees Meeting Agendas
  • Anonymous Tip Form
  • Breakfast & Lunch Program
  • Local Control Accountability Plan
  • School Accountability Report Cards
  • Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Safety Program
  • Title IX
  • Proposition 28 Report

Wade Thomas Highlights

  • Proudly showing our California Distinguished School flag

    California Distinguished School

    Wade Thomas School was recognized as a California Distinguished School in 2018. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson wrote in his congratulatory letter: "The award reflects your school's success in making exceptional gains in implementing the academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education for all students by meeting state indicators as described on the California School Dashboard..."

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    We are thrilled to share with you our very first district video which was inspired and created by two of our RVSD parents, Nancy Main and Jennifer Gonzalez. This short film features several teachers and administrators as well as a number of students, each sharing their reflections on what makes RVSD special to them.

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