• Ross Valley School District
    2010 Measure A Citizens' Oversight Committee

    The Citizens' Oversight Committee, (COC) was created in 2011 as a requirement to the Measure A bond voted on by the citizens of Ross Valley School District on November 8, 2010. Measure A is a $41million dollar school facilities bond that must be used in our community.  The bond cannot be used for operating salaries and cannot be taken by the State. 

    For this type of bond, California law requires a board of at least 7 members to actively review and report on the proper expenditures of the taxpayer's money. 

    Currently the Ross Valley School District COC is comprised of 6 members and is actively seeking one member who is a parent/guardian, and active in a parent/teacher organization.

    Member must be from groups defined by ED Code 15282 (a):

    • One member who is active in a business organization: Christopher Davis 

    • One member who is active in a senior citizens organization: Conn Hickey

    • One member of a bona fide taxpayers' organization: Open

    • One parent who may or may not be a member of a school site council: Stuart Brunet (Chair), Anthony Barron

    • One member who is a parent/guardian, and active in a parent/teacher organization: Open    

    • Two members at large from the community: James Fair, Open