The Ross Valley School District
The Ross Valley School District has a reputation for outstanding academic achievement, innovative and responsive teaching and supportive and caring parents and staff. We are proud of the academic accomplishments of our students who consistently score well above state averages in the highest performing county in the state. The values of the RVSD community are evident in every classroom throughout the district. We are committed to ensuring every student is successful, engaged in learning and challenged to think critically. We support the social and emotional development of our students and have established a character education program that emphasizes respectful communication and emotional and physical safety. We respect the shared responsibility of stewardship for the earth and giving back to the community through programs of environmental awareness and service to the community.
Our teachers are dedicated professionals who are valued for their expertise and ability to translate complex ideas into engaged learning opportunities for children. Teacher leadership is valued and encouraged. The RVSD staff works hard to ensure that each student is safe and supported every day at school.
The school programs are promoted and enriched by the collaborative efforts of our parents and the community. Parent volunteers provide support in the classrooms, schools and the district. The District Foundation, the YES Foundation, enthusiastically and tirelessly raises funds to support music and art programs as well as other enrichment opportunities. Shared decision making is practiced at the district and site levels.
Our expectations are high for each student. It is the collaborative efforts of students, staff, parents and community members that make our children able to achieve those expectations, and make our schools the heart of the community.
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
California public schools are required to provide information about themselves to the community in the form of an annual SARC. A SARC is an important tool for a school to report on its progress in creating a safe, positive learning environment where all children can grow and thrive. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate schools on a variety of indicators:
- Demographic information
- School safety and climate for learning
- Academic data
- Class size
- Teacher and staff information
- Curriculum and instruction
- Fiscal and expenditure data
- Facilities status
SARCs are issued in February and report on the previous academic year. For example, the SARC issued in February, 2021, provides information on the 2019-20 school year. SARCs are published in a format provided by the California Department of Education and are available below as downloadable PDF files.
Please note that the 2019-20 SARCs do not report CAASPP data as the tests were not administered in the spring of 2020 due to the pandemic.
Hidden Valley
Wade Thomas
White Hill
Strategic Plan
The Ross Valley School District completed a two-year strategic planning process in the spring of 2007. The resultant District Strategic Plan, adopted by the Board in April 2007, provides a vision, guiding beliefs and mission to guide the District in the years ahead. The Strategic Plan Task Force included more than 60 teachers, administrators, staff; board members, students, parent and community members.
The Strategic Plan addresses the critical topics of engaged student learning and standards; governance and communications; technology in support of excellence in education; and social/emotional development of our students. The Plan's major goals and strategies provide guidance and direction for the development of annual action plans. Strategic Plan Task Force identified the highest priority strategies for initial implementation. This plan provides a strong guide for the District’s annual planning, priority-setting and allocation of critical resources – human, physical, facilities and goodwill.
Strategic Plan Adopted April 2007
Facility Master Plan
The 2012-2013 Facility Master Plan provides detailed updated demographic information about the Ross Valley School District’s community, and describe the effects of those demographics on the Ross Valley School District’s enrollment and long range facilities planning. This information ensures that the District provides appropriate and equitable facilities for all its students.
This study provides information based on 2012-13 District enrollments, District facilities, District policies, City planning policies, residential development and population and student demographics. As these factors change and timelines are adjusted, the Facility Master Plan will be revised to reflect the most current information.
Facility Master Plan 2012-13
Local Education Agency Plan
L.E.A.P. 2003-08