• BridgesMath  

    What will your child learn in math this year?

    bridgesMath For more information about your child's year in math, as well as fun games you can play at home to support your child, click on the button to the right. 

  • Kindergarten

    In kindergarten math, your child will:
    • count objects and tell how many there are
    • write numerals 0-20
    • compare numbers or sets of objects to tell which has more or less
    • add & subtract quickly and easily to 5
    • add & subtract within 10 using objects, fingers, drawings, numbers, or equations
    • solve addition and subtraction story problems
    • understand that teen numbers are 10 and some more
    • identify and describe shapes
    • understand length and weight as something that can be measured


    1st Grade

    In grade 1 math, your child will:
    • solve addition and subtraction story problems
    • count by ones and tens to 120 read and write numbers to 120, and represent a number of objects up to 120 with a written numeral
    • understand place value by describing what the digits mean in two-digit numbers; use this knowledge to add and subtract
    • add two-digit numbers using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
    • subtract two-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
    • compare two numbers using the symbols >, =, and <
    • add and subtract numbers within 10 efficiently and accurately
    • read or construct a graph and answer questions about the data
    • measure length using non-standard units such as Popsicle sticks, linking cubes, and so on
    • tell and write time to the hour and half-hour on analog and digital clock


    2nd Grade

    In grade 2 math, your child will:
    • solve two-step addition and subtraction story problems to 100
    • add and subtract to 20; know addition facts to 20 by memory
    • read and write 3-digit numbers using numerals, words, and expanded notation (726 = 700 + 20 + 6)
    • understand that the three digits of a 3-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones
    • use symbols >, =, < to compare two 3-digit numbers
    • add and subtract 2-digit numbers accurately and efficiently, and explain strategies for doing so
    • add and subtract 3-digit numbers using models, sketches, and/or numbers, and explain strategies for doing so
    • estimate and measure length in centimeters and meters, inches and feet.
    • divide circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts and describe the parts
    • recognize, draw, and analyze 2- and 3-D shapes
    • solve money problems involving dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
  • 3rd Grade

    In grade 3 math, your child will:
    • use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve story problems
    • solve multiplication and division facts accurately and efficiently
    • multiply 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10, e.g., 3 x 70
    • add and subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers
    • compare, recognize, and generate equivalent fractions and place them on a number line
    • estimate and measure in time, liquid volume, and masses of objects
    • round numbers to nearest 10 or 100
    • tell time to the minute
    • estimate and measure liquid volume and mass in metric units
    • solve area and perimeter problems
    • identify and construct different kinds of quadrilaterals
    • sort and classify shapes


    4th Grade

    In grade 4 math, your child will:
    • understand factors and multiples, e.g., 1,2,4,5,10, and 20 are all factors of 20, and 20 is a multiple of each of those numbers
    • understand that a prime number has only 2 factors—1 and itself, while a composite number has more than 2 factors
    • multiply multi-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations
    • divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and the relationship between multiplication and division
    • read, write, and compare multi-digit numbers and round multi-digit numbers to any place
    • add and subtract multi-digit numbers accurately and efficiently
    • recognize and generate equivalent fractions
    • compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators
    • add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators
    • multiply a fraction by a whole number
    • write fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 in decimal notation
    • compare decimal numbers with digits to the hundredths place
    • know the relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units, including metric length, metric mass, customary weight, metric volume, and time
    • use formulas for area and perimeter of a rectangle to solve problems
    • measure and sketch angles with a protractor
    • classify 2-D shapes
    • identify and draw lines of symmetry​


    5th Grade

    In grade 5 math, your child will:
    • use models and strategies to divide 2- and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers, with and without remainders. (Students are not expected to use the standard long division algorithm until sixth grade.)
    • add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
    • multiply fractions and divide fractions in simple cases
    • measure volume
    • explain patterns in the number of zeros and the placement of the decimal point in the answer when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10
    • read, write, round, compare, add & subtract, multiply & divide decimals
    • multiply multi-digit whole numbers
    • locate and graph points on a coordinate plane