What to practice this week:
- All groups should focus on practicing Galop.
Wade Thomas and Hidden Valley students focus on measures 91 - 129.
Manor and Brookside students focus on measure 130 - the end!
Click on this YouTube video link to listen and sing along: Galop
Here is a partial video of previous students performing Galop with the hand motions.
- You can continue to practice the other rounds we've learned in class. Click on the blue text to be directed to the YouTube link:
To Stop The Train
Hey ho, nobody home
Ah poor bird
Belle Mama
Alfred the Alligator
I love the mountains
Record your practice time (30 minutes over the course of the week) on your practice log and have your parent/guardian initial practice minutes to earn a stamp! Remember to bring your chorus folder/binder to music class every week.
Practice Guidelines
- Plan your practice schedule for the week.
- Designate a practice space that is free of distractions.
- Review your practice assignment and musical goals (written or on this website).
- Set a timer for your planned amount of practice.
- Practice! (Goal is at least 30 minutes total per week.)
- Complete your practice log and have your parent/guardian initial it before music day.