Welcome to Ross Valley School District!

  • We look forward to spending the upcoming years with you and your family!  Our community of students, parents, teachers, support staff and administrators is what make Ross Valley School District a magical place to be!

    RVSD's Transitional Kindergarten program provides a whole-child approach that engages our young learners in vital social, emotional, and hands-on academic skills that lead to success in Kindergarten and beyond.

    To help us get the word out, please share this information with your friends and neighbors. We are looking forward to welcoming our youngest students to the Ross Valley School District.

  • Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Eligibility

    • For the 2024-25 school year, a child must have his/her 5th birthday between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025, to be eligible to attend Transitional Kindergarten. Each of our District elementary schools (Brookside, Hidden Valley, Manor, and Wade Thomas) will operate a TK-only class.
    • Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, all children who will have their 4th birthday by September 1, 2025 will be eligible to attend Transitional Kindergarten. 

    School Hours for 2024-25

    Brookside: 8:40am - 2:05pm
    Hidden Valley: 8:15am - 1:30pm
    Manor: 8:30am - 1:55pm
    Wade Thomas: 8:30am - 1:55pm

    New Student Registration Process

    Online registration through Aeries can be accessed by clicking here.

    Registration for the 2024-25  school year is open and ongoing!


    Forms & Documents Required for Online Registration

    The following forms need to be completed and submitted by the parent/guardian at the time of in-person registration. For parents/guardians who do not have printer access, hard copies are available at the school sites.

    In addition, the following information is required to Verification of Residency forms above at the time of registration.

    • Child’s Proof of Age – In order of desirability is the child’s original birth certificate or the child’s passport. When neither of the foregoing is obtainable, the parent/guardian may provide any other appropriate means of proving the age of the child.  Please contact your school of residence for assitance.

    • Proof of Identification of Parent/Guardian is required to verify the person registering a child or proving residency is the legal parent/guardian. The parent/guardian is to provide one of the following: Valid State Driver License, Valid State Photo or Identification Card, Valid Passport, or Government-Issued Photo Identification. 

    • Child’s Most Recent Immunization Record – A copy of your child's most current immunization record is required.

      If your student has not completed their school-age immunizations English | Spanish at the time of registration for the 2024-25 school year, an updated Immunization Record verifying the completion of all required immunizations is due by 4:00pm one week before school begins in August 2024 in order to retain the date/time stamp of all other submitted documents and forms. Immunizations must be verified before a student will receive his/her class/school placement or attend school.  Where Does My Child Get Vaccinations for School?

    Forms Required After Registration

    Health Forms

    For the 2024-25 school year, the following health forms are due between March 1 and December 31, 2024.

    Please bring the Report of Health Examination form to your child's healthcare provider and the Oral Health Assessment form to your child's oral health provider and return the completed forms to the school office.


    Other Information

    Elementary School Enrollment Capacity

    To assist the District in enrollment, staffing, and facilities planning, please complete the registration process by March 1 or as soon as possible. Because many elementary grade levels and schools in the Ross Valley School District are impacted, a student who registers once a grade level at a school of residence is at capacity, the student will be reassigned to another District school where space is available. Any reassignments will be determined prior to the student’s first day of attendance. For middle school, because White Hill is our only 6th-8th grade school, students in these grades are not subject to overflow.

    Board Policies


    Student Transfers

    For information and timelines related to Intradistrict and/or Interdistrict Attendance, please click here.


    Type 1 Diabetes Information Sheet

    Click here for more information about Typle 1 Diabetes.


Campus Administrative Assistant Contact Email Contact Number
Brookside Heather Levi hlevi@rossvalleyschools.org 415-453-2948 x 1101
Hidden Valley Mariposa Lewicki mlewicki@rossvalleyschools.org 415-454-7409 x 1201
Manor Laura Jordan ljordan@rossvalleyschools.org 415-453-1544 x 1301
Wade Thomas Marlana Kenilvort mkenilvort@rossvalleyschools.org 415-454-4603 x 1401
  • If you have any questions about New Student Registration or do not have the ability to print the required forms, please contact your school of residence or Teresa Machado, Executive Assistant, at 415-360-6562.

    For attendance boundary information, click here or contact a district school or Teresa Machado, Executive Assistant, at 415-360-6562.