CAASPP Score Reports

  • Dear Parent/Guardian:

    Each Spring, students in grades 3 - 8 take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take the California Science Test.

    These tests can be combined with other measures like report card grades, classroom work, and teacher observations to give families and teachers a more complete picture of each child’s learning. You can use these results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support. It is important to know that summative test results are not used to determine whether a student moves to the next grade.

    Your child’s score report will give you information about how well they met the expectations of the grade level and where they are doing well or need more support in each subject. This is helpful information to discuss with your child’s teacher to understand how they can be better supported in the classroom and how you can support learning at home.

    To access your child's individual student score report:

    1. Log onto your Aeries parent portal account

    2. Click "Test Scores" on the navigation bar
    3. Click "State Test Score Reports"

    If you've forgotten your password:

    1. Click “Forgot Password?”
    2. Enter your email address and click “Next”

    If you're not sure which email address we have on file for you:

    1. Click “Forgot Password?”
    2. Enter an email address and click “Next”
      1. If you receive a red message that says“The email address ______, could not be matched to an account” then that’s not the correct email.
      2. If however, you receive a green message that says “A verification email has been sent to your email address” then that’s the correct email.  Check your inbox for instructions on how to reset your password to the parent portal.

    To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the Starting Smarter website available at There you will find information about text results, sample test questions, and free resources to support your child’s learning.

    If you have difficulty accessing your child’s score report, please contact Sean Maher at Other questions can be addressed to your school principal.

    Best Regards,
    Julia Wolcott
    Assistant Superintendent of Education Services
    Ross Valley School District