We encourage all our students to take 'green ways' to school whenever possible to decrease traffic and carbon footprints and increase physical activity. Children in our district get to school by walking, biking, rolling and/or taking the bus. The District works closely with Safe Routes to Schools to make walking and biking safe and with Marin Transit to provide students with low-cost bus transportation options.
Safe Routes to Schools

Safe Routes to Schools programs are designed to decrease traffic and pollution and increase the health of children and the community, Safe Routes to Schools promotes walking and biking to school, using education and incentives to show how much fun it can be! The program addresses parents’ safety concerns by educating children and the public, partnering with traffic law enforcement, and developing plans to create safer streets. Marin County pioneered the national Safe Routes to Schools program that has spread across the U.S. For more information see saferoutestoschools.org.
Suggested Route Maps
Marin Transit Bus
Youth Pass Information
For more information about the Youth Pass, which is provided through Marin Transit, click here. For questions about pass sales, contact Marin Transit via phone at 415-419-2533 or email at school@marintransit.org.
Yellow Bus Information for Hidden Valley and White Hill Only
Marin Transit's Yellow School Bus program, in partnership with the Town of San Anselmo, the Town of Fairfax, and the County of Marin, provides students at Hidden Valley Elementary School and White Hill Middle School the opportunity to ride to and from school on a bus that’s been specifically designed for student transportation operated by drivers trained to service this population.
For more information about the Yellow Bus for Hidden Valley and White Hill click here: https://rossvalleyschoolbus.com/
Reduced Price Yellow Bus Pass Information
To qualify for a reduced pass, you must qualify for free or reduced lunches and you must also fill out the Parent/Guardian Certification for Eligibility for Reduced RVSD Yellow Bus Pass (English | Spanish). Please send the signed original to your school or the District Office. For more information about the reduced price bus pass process, please contact Jenni Wright at 415-451-4074 or jwright@rossvalleyschools.org.