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  • Welcome parents! We are so excited that you are part of our Ross Valley School District family. On this page you will find some helpful links to resources and information that will help you stay informed and engaged. Please feel free to reach out to us to let us know if there's any other information or resources that you may feel would be helpful. We are always looking to improve our website, and we appreciate your help.

Information and Helpful Resources

Continuity of Learning 2020-21 has been created to provide information and resources for our RVSD community related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our school community. This page will be updated regularly as we receive updated information, data, and guidelines from Marin County Office of Education (MCOE), Marin County Health and Human Services Department (MCHHS), and the State (CA Department of Education and CA Department of Public Health. We use these updates to continually refine our planning for our distance and in-person instruction.

Click here for our COVID-19 website.

General Math Support Bridges: Grades K-5
CPM: Grades 6-8

State Databases

Online content from Encyclopedia Britannica, ProQuest and TeachingBooks.net is now available individually to all K-12 students in California, as well as all public schools in the state.

Click here for more information

Our students’ ability to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment is a top priority. This includes making sure schools are free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying. Ross Valley School District recognizes that schools must be physically and emotionally safe for all students in order to promote and support academic achievement, social and emotional skills, student attendance and engagement. Click here for more information.

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